Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 2- Social Media

My idea for this project is to create a new product to address one of the biggest issues in the sport of football. This issue is concussions, and my product is a new variation of protective headgear aimed to reduce the number of concussions in the game. Considering the recent discoveries in the long-term and profound effects of concussions on athletes, I believe this would be a much-welcomed improvement.

Social media has played a role in my choice for this project. There has been a fair amount of buzz through social media on this topic in the past year. Twitter is the one that I have noticed, with mentions coming from Twitter accounts with connections to the NFL, as well as from numerous players.

It would be important to use social media to spread the word of my product as well. Social media is a great way to get the information out there because of the vast amount of people that use the different websites.


  1. Helmets are a major concern and i don't think that the public realizes that most helmets aren't actually that effective. I think i was reading somewhere that ski helmets don't work if you are going above 10-12mph at impact. There is a lot of room for improvement. Do you have any ideas about how at a structural level you would improve the current helmets?

  2. As a former football player myself, I definitely understand how serious a concussion can be and how it can just instantly occur. I've seen team mates on too many occasions suffer a major blow to the head and the helmet do not prevent incurring a concussion. I know there are some modifications that have been made to add extra cushion to some helmets, but it has not been taken far enough. If your idea to modify helmets does drastically improve the safety of the players, I believe you will have a very successful business.

  3. I really like your idea, for the head or more precisely the brain is one of the bodies most important body parts and football as we all know can cause really bad brain injures. So i definitely love the idea of producing more effective helmets that can reduce brain injuries. I also like how you related it to the lectures we took by applying social media you will increase the popularity of your product and, show the public how serious brain injuries are.

  4. This is a good idea. Football helmets are very important, because without them, people would probably die a lot. If you create a helmet that makes concussions never happen, you will save laves, and that will also make every foot ball team take your product. I feel like the pads inside the helmet are so primitive, its seriously just foam. If you invest in engineering a better design, I bet you could come up with something nice. Perhaps some sort of temper pedic style material, or layers of metal and spring loaded sheets of protectiveness. Great job incorporating what you learned in class to building your company design
